
Sunday 17 September 2017

Humanity Absent! Humanity Absent!

For them no Aspect,
For them no Prospect,
For them no Gains,
For them no Pains,
Humanity Absent! Humanity Absent!

For them no Life,
For them no Wife,
For them no Essence,
For them no Preference,
Humanity Absent! Humanity Absent!

For them no Past,
For them no Cast,
For them no Good,
For them no Bad,
Humanity Absent! Humanity Absent!

For them no Father,
For them no Mother,
For them no Brother,
For them no Sister,
Humanity Absent! Humanity Absent!

They need Human Blood,
Only n Only Human Blood,
Terrorists are 'The Huge Monsters',
They are called Life Takers!

- Sibtain Kadri
(Please Note: Copyright is with the Hitavada, Nagpur. Plagiarism Shall be punished)

Saturday 16 September 2017

Thou Maketh The World...

What a flagitious act it is!
Cutting such gratis of nature,
Architecture of food and pleasure,
And the regulators of oxygen!

Woodcutters some time go beyond,
Precise the huge bulk for so long.
Do they don’t have mercy on them,
Remind them, they are callers of rain.

See the elegance of colour green,
It can ameliorate us every time.
Home for birds, home for pollinators,
Trees are home for millions of creatures!

The coolers of summer, providers of shade
The stoppers of storms and the architectures of charm, 
That eco-friendly sound needs to be bound.

Trees- diet of nature never goes hungry,
If cut down we would bear nature’s fury,
They bring sanative and saccharine wind,
That is beneficial to the human kind.

Their roots hold up the soil,
Sometime they too give us oil,
Children playing hide and seek,
They enjoy trees’ tooth and beak.

Plant up daily one-one tree,
See than you will feel very free,
It will calm down deforestation,
And will bolster reforestation!!!

-       Sibtain Kadri
(Please Note: Copyright is with the Hitavada, Nagpur. Plagiarism Shall be punished)

Friday 15 September 2017

A call for Monsoon!

Oh Monsoon! Please fall on us,
We are in very demand of yours.
Your onset was praiseworthy,
Which  made us very chirpy.

We used raincoats and umbrellas,
Simply for those merely days.
Now look at our current condition,
Farmers are full of excruciation.

Trees are in need of yours,
Creatures are thirsty of yours,
Organisms are feeling very sad,
You are troubling them very bad.

Sun has devoured our energy,
Thus we are feeling quite lazy,
Fields are arid; lands are being quite warm,
Our mouth dried, faces have lost the charm.

Flourish our crop circle, cool the lands,
Wet our mouth, give back the charm,
Children are missing your presence,
Night and Day wishing your essence.

This season we miss peacock’s rain dance,
Because you aren’t giving us that chance,
I know God Father is roiling on us,
Since we are in materialistic pleasures.

Humanity is fading from the communities,
That’s why He is angry on commonalities.
We have ascertained our mistakes,
Splash on us without any breaks.

We are repenting from our heart,
You not ever be from us apart,
You make our life fantabulous,
Benignantly listen to our prayers.

You are part and parcel of life,
Without you there is no choice!

-          Sibtain Kadri
(Please Note: Copyright is with the Hitavada, Nagpur. Plagiarism Shall be punished)

An Obit to Maggi Dear!

(Poem was written after the ban of maggi)
Oh! Dear aata Maggi noodles,
We are missing you so much!
You were instant spaghetti,
Which was cooked in two minutes.

You were extremely luscious,
Which slaked our tasty buds.
You were chummy to children,
And beloved to adolescents.

Now people claiming Nestle firm,
 They have done putrefaction.
You bear MSG and lead,
Which is risky for person.

You were evasive to someone,
He suffered from itching and burn.
Now you are barred in our country,
After all the close examination.

We are menacing your use,
You will be no longer produced.
Yet I remembered those days,
When me and you were best friends.

Those were moment to cherish,
Therefore I pay tribute to you!
Oh dear aata Maggi noodles,

We will miss you in future!
- Sibtain Kadri

 (Please Note: Copyright is with the Hitavada, Nagpur. Plagiarism shall be punished)

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